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展览现场 | “波普之外的冈本信治郎”纪念展第二回在東京画廊+BTAP 开幕

时间:2021-07-30 13:44来源:中国艺术新闻网——中国 作者:admin 点击:
Okashin波普之外的冈本信治郎 Okashin Shinjiro Okamoto Beyond POP 展期 | Duration:2021.7.24-9.10 开幕时间 | Opening Reception:20201.7.24 16:00-18:00 展览地址 | Venue :東京画廊+BTAP(北京)(北京市朝阳区


Okashin —— Shinjiro Okamoto Beyond POP

展期 | Duration:2021.7.24-9.10

开幕时间 | Opening Reception:20201.7.24 16:00-18:00

展览地址 | Venue :東京画廊+BTAP(北京)(北京市朝阳区798艺术区陶瓷三街E02)E02 Ceramic 3rd St.798 Art zone, Beijing

冈本信治郎(Okamoto Shinjiro)出生、成长于东京的平民区。江户时代的东京平民区,是日本平民文化最繁盛的时代。如今著名世界的浮世绘、北斋漫画、歌舞伎时尚、生活美学等各个领域,都是在当时确立了其独特的文化特征,当下的日本依旧保留着浓厚的传统文化色彩,其中之一就是漫画文化。漫画从明治起,经大正、昭和、平成、令和一脉相承,影响了一代代的东京少年,包括冈本。各类漫画形象和卡通化的处理手法,成为贯穿冈本一生创作的重要线索。


While Okamoto was on his way to becoming an artist, manga was by no means respected as a fixture of the art world, but rather considered as a form of lowbrow culture. Art, in turn, was the highbrow culture of the elite class, and manga artists couldn’t be mentioned in the same breath with real ‘artistes’. For Okamoto to incorporate manga into his own artistic creations, was a courageous act in itself. Meanwhile, the Western art world witnessed the emergence of Pop Art, prompting Japanese artists to jump on the bandwagon. Okamoto, however, staunchly stuck to evoking Japanese themes in his paintings. While most people had their sights set on Europe and the U.S., the fact that Okamoto managed to stay in his lane and adhere to his own national identity, truly attests to his self-determination! Spearheaded by Takashi Murakami, a great number of Japanese and international artists are currently creating manga themed art. Perhaps it is time for us to look back at and give credit to the artist who pioneered the trend, Okamoto Shinjiro.

Okamoto Shinjiro was born and raised in a ‘commonor’s quarter’ of Tokyo. In neighborhoods such as his, the culture of the Japanese populace was thriving during the Edo era. The distinctive cultural traits of now world-renowned artistic genres such as Ukiyo-e, Hokusai Manga, Kabuki costumes and Life Aesthetics, all found their footing during this era. At present, Japan still maintains a strong sense of traditional culture, of which manga culture is but one example. Manga saw the light of day during the Meiji era, and was passed on in a continuous line throughout the Taishō, Shōwa, Heisei and Reiwa eras, impacting generations of Tokyo youths, including Okamoto Shinjiro himself. As a result, all sorts of manga visuals and cartoonish painting techniques now run like a red thread through Okamoto’s oeuvre.

——田畑幸人 Yukihito Tabata



1000只蚂蚁 1000 Ants


平版印刷 Offset


光与影的绘画(黑白) Light and Shadow Picture


丙烯 Liquitex


石松っあん的自画像 石松っあん’s Portrait


版画 Printmaking


笑う忠臣蔵 Laughig Chushingura

162x130.3cm (4件/pieces)

80.3x65.2 cm (4件/pieces)

53x45.5cm (29件/pieces)

丙烯 Liquitex


冈本信治郎,1933年生于东京。1952年毕业于都立日本桥高等学校,成为东京凸版印刷有限公司设计师(后在此担任26年的艺术总监)。在此期间,他开始自学水彩画,先后在日本水彩画展和二纪展等展览上展出作品。1956年于村松画廊初次举办个展,同年,他与吉田吉惠等人共同创办了“制作会议”艺术小组。乔治·修拉的新印象派作品启发冈本使用明亮、生动的色彩和简单的形式来描绘当代的疾病和不安。1956年,冈本在“读卖 Independent展”展出作品,并在1962年和1963年的“Shell艺术奖展”中获佳作奖,1964年再获首届长冈现代美术馆奖展的大奖。在此期间,冈本信治郎发表包括《圣风景》和《十个印度人》等这些有着滑稽形象但背后却蕴藏着无限空虚感的画作,并相继在日本和国外的几家博物馆展出了他的作品。1964年,冈本信治郎参展了在京都国家现代艺术博物馆举办的“现代美术动向”展览。1965年参展了在苏黎世美术馆举办的“现代日本美术15人展”、纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)举办的“新日本绘画雕塑展”。1968年,冈本在日本协会的邀请下访问了美国,游览了纽约、美国其他城市以及欧洲并进行巡回展出。1969年,他在“当代日本艺术”展览中获得前沿奖。从1979年开始,冈本信治郎还举办过多次个展:1979年在池田20世纪美术馆举办“冈本信治郎的世界——25年之记录”;1998年在新泻市美术馆举办个展“冈本信治郎的世界展览——东京少年”;1998年在神奈川显立近代美术馆举办个展“冈本信治郎展——笑的宇宙全景馆”;2001年在池田20世纪美术馆举办个展“冈本信治郎——笑的雪月花(翻滚的樱花)”;2008年在東京画廊 + BTAP(北京)举办个展“冈本信治郎的宇宙全景馆(笑的哲学1950-2001)”。自此,冈本信治郎作为日本波普艺术先驱艺术家为大家熟知。2020年4月,冈本信治郎在日本镰仓因病去世,享年86岁。

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